Dieselpunk mech sculptures

Dieselpunk mech sculptures

Dieselpunk Mech Sculptures Retro-Machines ORIGINAL ART WORK Yute and Tocuyo’s Imachinarium  The Retro Flying Carrier Ship Dieselpunk Mech Sculpture Mixed media sculpture, metal, leather, 3D printing and resin. 50cmsx50cmsx35cms This is a junk carrier, inspired...
Why artists make art toys

Why artists make art toys

Why artists make art toys by Jonathan Clark Whether you know it or not, we are living in a world where fine art and toys overlap, where the borders between these two realms are porous and blurred. Sometimes going by the name of designer toys or the much more obscure...
Urban Toys

Urban Toys

Urban Toys: six characters based in Perú’s traffic The WAKO “Micro” urban toy collection ORIGINAL LIMITED EDITION SCULPTURES The Wonderful Chaotic World of Urban WAKOS Chaos vs. Order Chaos is the source of order as so many archetypal myths narrate....
Wako Art

Wako Art

WAKO ART: Discover more than 50 wakos in the Wako Universe. WAKO (plural: WAKOS o wacti magicus-evolutionis posibilitusFamily of fictional real magical entities, with linear and explosive growth and cognitive-evolutionary development. According to studies by Roitman,...